Do You Have A Property Preservation
REO Question?

If you have a Property Preservation REO question, here's the place to ask it. Do you have a question about—

  • HUD Mortgagee Letters?
  • Which national Property Preservation REO company do contractors like best?
  • Where to get the best deal on antifreeze or dehumidifiers in your area?
  • How to find the best employees or contractors to work with?
  • Which generator and/or compressor to buy?
  • Or any of a hundred other questions...

Here's the place to ask them. There is a growing community of Property Preservation Specialists who are stopping by this website.

Ask A Question • Answer A Question

You have some knowledge that other people could benefit from. So if you see a question that you'd like to respond to, please feel free to do so. You can help to make this a site that helps all of us who do this business.

Do you have a Property Preservation / REO question
that you can't find an answer to?

Do you have a real "stumper"...a question about this industry that you've tried to find the answer for, but just couldn't? Ask it here, and hopefully we can find an answer for you.

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